She's not a band, nor is/was she in a band (not that I know of, anyway, but perhaps you know different?). But she did edit Metal Maniacs magazine in the early/mid 1990's....
Elliott says:
"Katherine definitely had a vision, and was very keen on the really underground grind scenes- during her reign, the magazine provided me with my first exposure to such (then) way-underground and relatively unknown acts as Spazz, Eyehategod, Dystopia, Neurosis, Candiria, Human Remains, which was a big deal for a high school dork such as myself, around the years 92 to 95. I'd go so far as to say that it was the coverage of bands at this time that had the single greatest influence on the bands I now know about and like, even more so than KZSU! Katherine also caught a lot of flack (and a lot of praise) for infusing her commentary and coverage with her own political agenda, that being the promotion of veganism, anti-homophobia, women's issues, and other otherwise leftist-leaning politics, which was quite the nusiance to the typically moronic Pantera and Slayer fans who unfortunately are the predominant readership of the mag."