the band
Elysia: vocals
Mark: drums
Mason (ex-Enemy Soil): bass (???-???
Richard (ex-Enemy Soil): guitar
Sean: bass (???-)
partial discography
Index full-length (Displacer Beast 2000)
further reading
The band's own website - not much there yet, but I have it on good authority that there will be soon.
An interview with the band at Aversion zine.
a review of their self-titled record
Dave, in the Crass Menagerie:
"After being subjected to MTV all day long at work, it's nice to hear bands like INDEX who can claim a shred of artistic integrity and musical talent. They mix elements of new-school hardcore with pulverizing grind blasts; From Bleeding Hands"-era TURMOIL meets "Harmony Corruption"-era NAPALM DEATH if you will, ironically featuring the same horrid production that marred both of those otherwise brilliant records. Still, the talent here overcomes what's basically just a minor surface flaw. Most appreciated are the absolutely throat-destroying female vocals. I'm glad at least a few women are being welcomed into DIY grind and not turned away by it. INDEX's screamer Elysia sounds like a cross between Blaine from THE ACCUSED and Schmeir from DESTRUCTION, and in my book there couldn't be a higher compliment. Yes, I share Jeb's nerd-like obsession with DESTRUCTION and THE ACCUSED. In their heyday they both crossed over scene boundaries, and I think INDEX can do the same today. I hadn't heard of the label Displacer Beast until I got this album, but with INDEX, GODSTOMPER and an upcoming ENEMY SOIL release, it looks like they're already off to a great start."