the band
Brunnhilde: guitar, vocäls
Barøn Bürri Von Blixen: battery, vocäls
Smedvig Robray: vocäls
Püto Roqüero con Pantalones Apretados: bäss, vocäls
Ülf K@as: güitar, deäf müte
partial discography
Total Disfückingcography discography CD (duh) (crimethinc. 2004)
further reading
Düde! Ümlaut has a Wikipedia entry! And it links to an entry on the heavy metal umlaut, which is like the raddest thing ever.
This is a fucking joke Catharsis side project and it's still some of the best metalcore ever. I mean, I would love it just for the politics (sterling example: "Brothers in Arms," featuring the notion that, since associating veganism with toughness made a lot of people give up animal products, perhaps the same beatdowns-for-justice rhetoric should be applied to gay rights, so that "would be tough guys will see it as even more macho to fight against homophobia than to embrace it"), but the music itself is also awesome, and they're very funny. The Total Disfückingcography would be 100% worth it even just for the booklet, but you get the CD too! I tell you, you can't beat it. You should buy it and I promise you it will make you laugh, and then break your eardrums. This is my new favorite band.