Ballard, Seattle, Washington, USA
the band
Runhild Gammelsæter: vocals
Jamie Sykes (later Burning Witch): battledrums
Greg Anderson (later Burning Witch): drones and sunns
James Hale (later Burning Witch): subsonic attack
Steve O'Malley (later Burning Witch): crust and earth
partial discography
Dommedagsnatt EP (Southern Lord, 1998)
the story according to...
From the liner notes to Dommedagsnatt:
"Thorr's Hammer was formed in the sleepy nordic village of Ballard, Washington [Scandinavian neighborhood in Seattle -h] by guitarists Greg Anderson and Stephen O'Malley during the mammoth stoned winter of 1994-1995. This cold collaboration was finally realized when the unholy blessing of seventeen year old Norwegian native Runhild Gammelsæter was bestowed upon the project via her amazing vocals and lyrics. After adding the thunderous war-rhythm section of Jamie Sykes and James Hale the onslaught began. Six weeks, two concerts and a recording session later Thorr's Hammer disbanded due to Runhild's departure back to Oslo, Norway. With the hunger of ressurecting the spirit which once was, this release stands as a tribute to her return."
Says me:
You will have gathered from the above that the rest of the band became Burning Witch when Runhild went back to Norway. If you know anything about Burning Witch, you know half of the Thorr's Hammer story (that is, the glacial grinding doom part). The other half is Runhild's vocals, which are partly sung (in a low monotone-ish wandering voice) and partly growled (and you'll have a hard time believing the growl didn't come out of a 7-foot bear with ten tattoos and a pitchshifter). Quite nice.