Seattle, Washington, USA
the band
Renae (ex-David Koresh Choir): vocals
Robrt (ex-David Koresh Choir): guitar
Joe: drums
Andy: bass
(former members include Eric, Brent and Tim)
partial discography
split w/Human Error
s/t 7" (Un-Yelliman)
oh come on I know they have like 12 7"s, I even own one, how come I can't find any info about them? (what's the internet good for, anyway?) I can't find mine, either. Dang, man.
further reading
Interview with all four Skarps at Attack Fanzine.
Skarp in pictures, from a show at 2nd Ave Pizza in Seattle. Don't be fooled by that other dude with the mic; Renae really does sing.
unsolicited endorsement
Skarp! Crusty fury! "Sharp" in Danish and Swedish and maybe Norwegian! So great that I proudly wear a yellow Skarp bird button on my jacket! And those who know me know that there are only six bands in the world who I endorse that wholeheartedly. Skarp is rad.