Oakland, California, USA
the band
Emelye: vocals (1998)
Greg: bass, vocals
Etay: drums
partial discography
demo (1998)
self-titled 7" (Boredom Noise 2000)
further reading
An interview with Greg in the consistently awesome Crass Menagerie zine.
Page about the 7" at their record label, Boredom Noise (started/run by Greg, actually) - with mp3! (It's invisible in Netscape, but I think I may be the only anti-IE holdout left in the world, so you might not care about that....)
okay fine
Awright, Emelye was only in the band for like six months, and now the band consists of two chaps only - but if I'm going to be ridiculously exhaustive, I'm gonna do it right, yo! And I like this band, anyway.