KZSU Merch
We're in the process of cooking up a full-scale KZSU Shoppe, but in the meantime, here's what we have:
Free Stickers
Wait, free stickers? Did you say free stickers?
Free Stickers
So, free KZSU stickers can be yours. They look like this:

Just send a self-addressed stamped envelope (a SASE, for those in the know...) to our address:
KZSU Merch (c.o. SASE Dept.)
P.O. Box 20510
Stanford, CA 94309-0510
And stickers will be yours. Specify whether you want the blue one, the zebra one, or both. (HINT: ask for both)
We don't quite got the store working yet, but you can feast your eyes on our t-shirt gallery: