Nunc Dimittis
Frederick Delius: Violin Concerto (CD: Delius:
(Tasmin Little, violin; Welsh Violin concerto
National Opera Orchestra; Sir / First Cuckoo)
Charles Mackerras)
Edward Elgar: Variations on an original theme (CD: Composers in
("Enigma") Person: Elgar / Holst)
(Royal Albert Hall
Orchestra; Sir Edward Elgar)
Herbert Howells: Psalm 121 (CD: A Celebration
(Choir of King's College, of Herbert Howells)
Cambridge; Stephen Cleobury)
Herbert Howells: Nunc Dimittis (Collegium Regale) (CD: A Celebration
(Choir of King's College, of Herbert Howells)
Cambridge; Stephen Cleobury)
Herbert Howells: A Sequence for St. Michael (CD: The Sound
(Choir of St. John's of St. John's)
College; George Guest)
Michael Tippett: Nunc Dimittis (Collegium Sancti (CD: The Sound
Johanni Cantabrigiense) of St. John's)
(Choir of St. John's
College; George Guest)
Charles Wood: O thou the central orb (CD: Great
(Memphis Boychoir; Memphis Cathedral Music)
Chamber Choir; John Ayer)
T. Tertius Noble: Nunc dimittis in B minor (CD: Great
(Memphis Boychoir; Memphis Cathedral Music)
Chamber Choir; John Ayer)
J. S. Bach: Suite No. 1 in G (CD: J. S. Bach:
(Mstislav Rostropovich) Cello Suites 1, 4, 5)
Conrad Susa: Nunc dimittis (St. Thomas) (CD: Praise the Lord)
(Choir of St. Thomas Church,
Fifth Ave.; Gerre Hancock)
Serge Rachmaninoff: Vespers (CD: Rachmaninoff:
(Vespers) The Vespers)
Richard Wagner (arr. Arthur Wills): Ride of the (CD: Full Stops)
(Arthur Wills)
Backwards with the folk song (CD: Anna Russell
(Anna Russell) in Deepest Africa)
Paul Lansky: Barbara Allen (CD: Folk Images)
How to enjoy your bagpipe (CD: Anna Russell
(Anna Russell) in Deepest Africa)
The Kilworth hills (CD: The Scots Guards)
(The Massed Pipes of the Scots Guards)
Corne Yairds (CD: Notes of Noy
(The Rowallan Consort) / Notes of Joy)
A Scots Tune (CD: Notes of Noy
(The Rowallan Consort) / Notes of Joy)
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