Chart for Month of February 1995
- Team Dresch Personal Best (Chainsaw/Candy Ass)
- Fibulator Unhammerlike (Jim Wilbur)
- Henry's Dress Henry's Dress (Slumberland)
- God Is My Co-Pilot Mir Shlufn Nisht (Avant)
- Witchdoctors Witchdoctors 'a Go-Go (Dionysus)
- Rrope Rrrrope (Smilex)
- Crash Worhship Triple Mania II (Charnel)
- Collection: Periscope (Yoyo)
- Naked Aggression Plastic World (Mighty)
- New Bomb Turks Information Highway Revisited (Crypt)
- Mecca Normal Sitting on Snaps (Matador)
- Avail Dixie (Lookout)
- Cub Come Out Come Out (Mint)
- Lord, Mary Lou Mary Lou Lord (Kill Rock Stars)
- Collection: Lip: The CD With A Big Mouth (Ruby Throat)
- Collection: Going Against Maz's Advice (Four-Letter Words)
- Guitar Wolf Kung Fu Ramone (Bag of Hammers)
- Creedle Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars (Cargo/Headhunter)
- Collection: Our Band Could Be Your Life (Little Brother)
- Collection: Why Popstars Can't Dance (Slumberland)
- Lois Bet the Sky (K)
- Sebadoh Rebound (Sub Pop)
- Honkies, The Who Eats? (Megaphone)
- Ranaldo, Lee Broken Circle / Spiral Hill (Starlight Furniture Company)
- 5,6,7,8's The 5,6,7,8's (Au Go Go)
- Angel In Heavy Syrup III (Alchemy)
- Collection: Smitten Love Songs (Karate)
- Bo Grumpus Volume Three ()
- Collection: No Idea Fanzine 11 (No Idea)
- Dramatics The Dramatics (Megaphone)
- Lois Shy Town (K)
- Free Kitten Nice Ass (Kill Rock Stars)
- Leather Uppers Cut Off Vest (Sympathy For the Record Industry)
- Gun's 'n' Wankers For Dancing & Listening (Fat Wreck Chords)
- Appolonia Heck Witness the Fury of Appolonia Heck (Echonet)
- Sunnychar You're My Battery (Shredder)
- Collection: Visions of the Apocalypse (Kado)
- Flying Luttenbachers Constructive Deconstruction (Quinnah)
- Blonde Redhead 10 Feet High (Smells Like Records)
- El Vez Graciasland (Sympathy for the Record Industry)
- Grifters Queen of the Table Waters (Sub Pop)
- Moonshake The Sound Your Eyes Can Follow (Too Pure)
- Collection: Echoes From Tuscon (Third World Underground)
- Molecules, The Morokyu (Sento)
- Disrupt Unrest (Relapse)
- Bassholes Haunted Hill (In The Red)
- Dawson Cheese Market (Making of Americans/Gruff Wit)
- Scissor Girls From: tsg To: The Imaginary Layer of Skeletons (Making of Americans)
- Collection: Def Master/Discordance Axis (H:G Fact)
- Fur Sex Drive (Sympathy for the Record Industry)
- Brainiac Bonsai Superstar (Grass)
- Brotzmann, Caspar Massaker Home (Thirsty Ear)
- Sickening Gore Destructive Reality (Massacre)
- Cripple Bastards Frammenti Di Vita (Ecocentric)
- Tuscadero Pink Album (Teen Beat)
- Good Horsey Kazué (Trackshun)
- Inland Emperors Hey, Hey, Blake Pirtle (Bag of Hammers)
- Hinds, John Connections (Omni Sonic)
- Lilys Eccsame the Photon Band (Spin Art)
- Finks, The Fill 'Er Up and Go! (Dionysus)
- Ole Dirty Bastard Brooklyn Zoo (Elektra)
- Nine Wutcha Want? (Profile)
- Collection: New Jersey Drive (Tommy Boy)
- Big L Put It On (Columbia)
- Channel Live Mad Izm (Capitol)
- Edge Do Your Dirt (Represent)
- Cella Dwellas We Got It Hemmed (Loud)
- Brand Nubian Hold On (Elektra)
- Showbiz & AG Next Level (Payday)
- Collection: State of Emergency (Mad Sounds)
- La Musgaña Las Seis Tentaciones (Green Linnet)
- Pusaka Sunda Lolongkrang (Sakti)
- Collection: The Marley Family Album (Heart Beat)
- Huun-Huur-Tu The Orphan's Lament (Shanachie)
- Varttina Aitara (Green Linnet/Xenophile)
- Damessae, Seleshe Tesfaye (Music of the World)
- Vision The Vision Mental Healing (Füaut;nfundvierzig)
- Seck, Mansour N'der Fouta Tooro, #1 (Stern's)
- Sierra Maestra Dundunbanza! (World Circuit)
- Mad Professor It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad Professor (Real Authentic Sound)
- Masada Aleph (DIW)
- Crispell, Marilyn & Prévost, Eddie Band on the Wall (Matchless)
- Newton, Lauren & Horstmann, Thomas Art Is... (Leo)
- Parker, Evan 50th Birthday Concert (Leo)
- Klaus Köaut;nig Orchestra Time Fragments (WDR/Enja)
- Eneidi, Marco Final Disconnect Notice (Botticelli)
- Vandermark Quartet Solid Action (Platypus)
- Anderson/Bennink/Doran Azurety (Hat Hut)
- Threadgill, Henry Carry the Day (Columbia)
- Workman, Reggie Summit Conference (Postcards)
- Lead Belly Lead Belly's Last Sessions (Smithsonian Folkways)
- Harmonica Fats Two Heads Are Better ... (Bee Bump)
- Collection: Shake 'Em On Down (Arhoolie/Ace)
- Rawls & Luckett Can't Sleep At Night (Rooster Blues)
- Rush, Otis Ain't Enough Comin' In (Mercury)
- White, Bukka 1963 Isn't 1962 (Genes)
- Johnson, Syl Back in the Game (Delmark)
- Brooks, Big Leon Let's Go To Town (Earwig)
- LaSalle, Denise Still Bad (Malaco)
- Funderburgh, Anson & the Rockets Live at the Grand Emporium (Black Top)
- Leather Uppers Cut Off Vest (Sympathy For the Record Industry)
- Appolonia Heck Witness the Fury of Appolonia Heck (Echonet)
- Sunnychar You're My Battery (Shredder)
- Blonde Redhead 10 Feet High (Smells Like Records)
- Grifters Queen of the Table Waters (Sub Pop)
- Collection: Def Master/Discordance Axis (H:G Fact)
- Fur Sex Drive (Sympathy for the Record Industry)
- Cripple Bastards Frammenti Di Vita (Ecocentric)
- Inland Emperors Hey, Hey, Blake Pirtle (Bag of Hammers)
- Collection: Mukilteo Fairies/Las Mordidas (Honeybear)
- Disrupt Unrest (Relapse)
- Collection: Def Master/Discordance Axis (H:G Fact)
- Sickening Gore Destructive Reality (Massacre)
- Cripple Bastards Frammenti Di Vita (Ecocentric)
- Grief Come To Grief (Century Media)
- Bolt Thrower For Victory (Earache)
- Dystopia Human = Garbage (Common Cause)
- Rice Fuck You This Is Rice (Lookout!)
- Collection: Capitalist Casualties/Man Is the Bastard ()
- Agathocles Black Clouds Determinate (Cyber Music)
- Solar Quest Orgship (SSR/Crammed)
- Collection: Ibiza Afterhours (Moonshine)
- Ultraviolence Life of Destructor (Earache)
- Collection: Feed Your Head (Ultimate)
- Freaky Chakra Peace Fixation (Astralwerks)
- UK Apachi with Shy FX Original Nutt (Moonshine)
- Collection: Trance Atlantic (Trance Atlantic)
- Collection: Recycle Or Die (Planet Earth)
- Heavenly Music Corporation Lunar Phase (Silent)
- Noisebox Monkey Ass (Cleopatra)
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