Gainesville, Florida, USA
the band
Margaret Briggs-Arroyo (ex-Squat, also Gunk): guitar, drums
Jessica Mills (also Crustaceans, Less Than Jake) (no, really): bass
Jen Roberts (ex-Squat, also Ovarydose, Brainbloodvolume, later I Love a Parade): vocals
Becky Torres (ex-Squat, also Grommet, Ovarydose, Brainbloodvolume): drums, guitar
partial discography
Bee Complex 7" (Probe 1999)
A Childhood Celebration split 7" with Unit Breed (Nothing/Deplorable 1999)
full-length CD forthcoming (Probe/Nothing)
at least one track on Death to False Metal II coll (Probe 1999)
one track on Fear of the Nothing coll (Nothing 2000)
further reading
Whoa, check this out! It's a family tree of Gainesville, FL bands, all hyperlinked to hell - ctrl-F to find Reina Aveja down the screen, and then you can hop around to Squat and Ovarydose and all the rest....
Hep RA interview from the Central Committee for Conscientious Objectors, of all people. That's cool.
RA at Nothing Records.