the band
No idea who's in this band cept that there's a girl singin. If you know the deal, please clue me in!
partial discography
Among Mortals full-length (Icarus 2000)
a review of Among Mortals
Bart writes in Crass Menagerie #95:
"This band rides the finest line between being brilliant and being trite beyond words. If the band didn't work so hard to sound "spooky," then they'd be much better off. Nearly every song has a sound bite of wolfs howling or other such silliness. It doesn't help add to the atmosphere. The positive attributes though are plenty as well. The band reminds me of Moonspell in their younger days. The band mixes doom and black metal quite well. The mixture of deep clean vocals and raspy black metal vocals works well. Of course, there are the requisite clean female vocals mixed in here and there. The riffs are simplistic yet memorable. The song construction keeps things moving, and you don't feel like you're hearing the same song over and over. Sound production is nice, and the CD layout is nice as well. I'm just not sure how many people are going to be able to get past the goofiness of some of the material here. There is some good stuff here, but you gotta look for it."