London, UK
approx. 1988-1993
the band
Leslie (L. F.) Rankine (ex-Grizzelders, later Pigface, Ruby): vocals
Chris P. (ex-Rover Girls): bass
Stuart (ex-Rover Girls): drums
Fuzz (ex-In-Stinks): guitar
partial discography
Fat Axl LP (Touch & Go 1990)
Cockeye LP (Touch & Go 1990)
Organ Fan LP (Creation/CBS 1992)
Silverfish with Scrambled Eggs EP (Creation 1992)
Fuckin Drivin or What LP (Chaos 1993)
Crazy single (Sony 1993)
Damn Fine EP EP (Creation 1993)
at least one song on Genrecide: A Compilation, Vol. 1 (1993)
at least one song on Indie Top 20, Vol. 14 (1993)
further reading
Silverfish at the All-Music Guide (currently little more than what I've got here, actually, but there is a lovely photo).
unsolicited advice
Start with Organ Fan - the CBS version if you can find it (it has 2-3 more tracks than the Creation version, plus Lesley's gender-switch versions of the Jesus Hererra [is that his last name? I never remember] calendario artwork which appears on the Creation release) (whew, take a breath). "Big Bad Baby Pigsqueal" features the perfect-slogan chorus "hips tits lips power" ("are you afraid of me?") - you will not be able to stop singing it, even if you want to.
Fat Axl is also quite good - rawer and rocker than the (more industrial, Foetus-produced) Organ Fan - I think Steve Albini produced FA - and features a supremely snarly cover of "White Lines."
All of Silverfish is supremely snarly, really. Snatch up whatever you can find! The T&G releases are still in print, and CBS (being a major label) printed a million Organ Fans, so it shouldn't be hard to find one in a better bargain bin near you.