the band
Rachel (later Red Monkey): vocals, bass
Pete (later Red Monkey): vocals, guitar
other people whose names I sadly do not know
partial discography
Non-Stop Hip Action full-length (Slampt)
La la Ovular 7" (Slampt)
Plink Plonk Plink Plonk 7" (Chocolate Narcotic)
Amore 7" (Kill Rock Stars 1995)
split 7" with Jarvis (Kitten Militant)
split 7" with Razorblade Smile (Scooter Swing)
"Un Soul Less" and "Doris" on Some Hearts Paid to Lie 7" coll (Wiiija 1993)
"Wish Fulfillment" on A Slice of Lemon coll (Lookout/Kill Rock Stars 1995)
5 tracks on Seven Unlucky Sevens coll (7" rereleases) (Slampt)
The Brat Years: 1992-1995 *complete discography CD!* (yay!) (Troubleman Unlimited 2001)
please note
Pussycat Trash were sonically far more diverse and adventurous than a good 95% of yer bands out there. Some of their stuff is screaming and furious and it would be hard not to call it hardcore (albeit a very spare and angular and punky strain of hardcore), and then some of their stuff is much quieter and more indie-rock-y. If you pick up the PT discography (as well we all should), please do not faint at the loud tracks nor come yelling to me that "this is not heavy!" at the quiet parts. I know it's very borderline putting them on this list, but give a listen to "Queen Bee Empire" and tell me it's not heavier than Lita Ford, eh? Thank you.