LA, California, USA
the band
Lucienne Thomas: vocals
Linda McDonald: drums
Josephine: guitar
Mary Jo Godges: bass
Tina Wood: guitar
Gigi Hangach: vocals
Dyna Shirasaki: bass
Samantha Jones: bass
Karen Kreutzer: guitar
Ronna: ???
Note: only the top 5 gals are currently in the band, and I have *no* idea of the chronology of when the rest were in or out....
partial discography
Phantom Blue full-length
My Misery promo CD
Built to Perform full-length
Prime Cuts and Glazed Donuts full-length
Caught Live live record
Full-Blown demo EP
further reading
The band's own webpage. Lots of personal stuff from the band members; not much in the way of info.