San Francisco, California, USA
the band
Sophia Sacks: vocals
Giupe Marchesi: guitar
David Smith: bass
Johann Zamora: drums (at least occasionally)
partial discography
Demonaut (self-released)
the story straight from David Smith
"Sophia Sacks, Giupe Marchesi (male), and I formed the band in San Francisco in 1998. Sophia sang, Giupe played guitar, and I played bass guitar. Sophia and Giupe had just parted from another band. Before I left in 2000, we had played at a noise/art event in Bayview as well as Lucifer's Hammer (a weekly metal event at the Covered Wagon Saloon in SOMA) a couple times. We also recorded a CD ("Demonaut") with drummer Johann Zamora, and it was selected by the SF Bay Guardian as Demo Tape of the Week some time in 1999. KZSU's Jane Oglesby played a couple tracks from it when I appeared on her show that year. After I left for grad school, Sophia and Giupe continued to create and record songs as a duo (retaining the name Dea Tacita). As far as I know, they still are, although I haven't heard from them in a while."